Loading in all required source code:
\l code/q/init.q
2023.02.16D15:08:08.507302000 WARN Using random seed 42 for reproducible results 2023.02.16D15:08:08.507336000 WARN Setting the global modelsTrained to False. Web GUI wont be able to use models until this is set to True - 0b 2023.02.16D15:08:08.507353000 INFO Loading in script - "ut.q" 2023.02.16D15:08:08.507446000 INFO Script for utility functions 2023.02.16D15:08:08.507822000 INFO Loading in script - "lib.q" 2023.02.16D15:08:08.507895000 INFO Script for importing python library/module packages 2023.02.16D15:08:08.917000000 INFO Loading in script - "mlf.q" 2023.02.16D15:08:08.917245000 INFO Script for machine learning functions 2023.02.16D15:08:08.918224000 INFO Loading in script - "graphics.q" 2023.02.16D15:08:08.918333000 INFO Script contains functions used for exploratory data analysis 2023.02.16D15:08:08.918666000 INFO Opening port on 9090 to allow the Web GUI to connect
Setting a port which will be accessible to a Web GUI:
system"p 9090"
As the data is stored in a CSV, the standard kdb+ method of loading a CSV is used.
The column names are transformed to conform with camelCase
convention upon loading:
5#data:(camelCase each string cols data) xcol data:("**SJJSSJJJJFFFF";enlist ",")0:`:data/oasis_longitudinal_demographics.csv
subjectId mriId group visit mrDelay mF hand age educ ses mmse cdr etiv nwbv asf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OAS2_0001" "OAS2_0001_MR1" Nondemented 1 0 M R 87 14 2 27 0 1986.55 0.696 0.883 "OAS2_0001" "OAS2_0001_MR2" Nondemented 2 457 M R 88 14 2 30 0 2004.48 0.681 0.876 "OAS2_0002" "OAS2_0002_MR1" Demented 1 0 M R 75 12 23 0.5 1678.29 0.736 1.046 "OAS2_0002" "OAS2_0002_MR2" Demented 2 560 M R 76 12 28 0.5 1737.62 0.713 1.01 "OAS2_0002" "OAS2_0002_MR3" Demented 3 1895 M R 80 12 22 0.5 1697.911 0.701 1.034
The column header group
conflicts with its reserved namesake function in the .q
The internal .Q.id function is built for dealing with these cases - it will append a 1
to headers that conflict with reserved commands, as well as cleaning header characters that interfere with select/exec/update
However, a custom renameCol
function allows a further degree of control by allowing the user to specify what the said column should be renamed as.
`group in .Q.res,key `.q
The group column is renamed to state:
subjectId mriId state visit mrDelay mF hand age educ ses mmse cdr etiv nwbv asf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OAS2_0001" "OAS2_0001_MR1" Nondemented 1 0 M R 87 14 2 27 0 1986.55 0.696 0.883
The state feature is extracted into a new target
table and dropped from the main data
target:select state from data
The info()
method in python provides a concise descriptive summary of a dataframe or table, mainly detailing datatypes, the existence of nulls within attributes and the total number of rows. This can be coded in q to provide the same effect:
RangeIndex: 373 entries , 0 to 372 Columns total: 14 column | nullExists uniqVals datatype ---------| ---------------------------- subjectId| 0 150 string mriId | 0 373 string visit | 0 5 long mrDelay | 0 201 long mF | 0 2 symbol hand | 0 1 symbol age | 0 39 long educ | 0 12 long ses | 1 6 long mmse | 1 19 long cdr | 0 4 float etiv | 0 371 float nwbv | 0 136 float asf | 0 265 float Memory usage: 0.04214764 MB
As shown above, the data is made up of 10 numerical columns and 4 remaining categorical columns. In machine learning these types of attributes are handled differently. Numerical features are easy to use, given most machine learning algorithms deal with numbers anyway, and generally these dont need transformed except during imputation and standardisation stages. Categorical columns, however, will require modification through encoding and other additional measures.
Another convenient feature in python is the describe()
method which returns a set of summary statistics for each column in a dataframe. Similarly, writing in q:
//Extract non-numerical columns
c:exec c from meta[t] where not t in "ifj";
//Remove them from table
//Applying functions to each numerical column of table
d:{`Field`Count`Mean`Min`Max`Median`q25`q75`STD`IQR!raze(x;(count; avg; min; max;med;pctl[.25;];pctl[.75;];dev;iqr)@\:y[x])}[;t] each cols t;
:d }
Field Count Mean Min Max Median q25 q75 STD IQR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- visit 373 1.882038 1 5 2 1 2 0.9216049 1 mrDelay 373 595.1046 0 2639 552 0 873 634.6327 873 age 373 77.0134 60 98 77 71 82 7.630708 11 educ 373 14.59786 6 23 15 12 16 2.872481 4 ses 373 2.460452 1 5 2 1 3 1.132402 2 mmse 373 27.34232 4 30 29 27 30 3.678277 3 cdr 373 0.2908847 0f 2f 0 0f 0.5 0.3740547 0.5 etiv 373 1488.122 1105.652 2004.48 1470.041 1357.33 1596.937 175.8997 239.6068 nwbv 373 0.7295684 0.644 0.837 0.729 0.7 0.756 0.0370852 0.056 asf 373 1.195461 0.876 1.587 1.194 1.099 1.293 0.1379067 0.194
A few things to note:
- The first few columns are self-explantory and don't need any further elaboration.
- The q25 and q75 fields correspond to the percentiles - the value below which a cumulative sum of observations fall.
- The q25 value for age indicates that 25% of patients are younger than 71 years old.
- The q75 value for age illustrates that 75% of the dataset are younger than 82 years old.
- STD field is classified as the standard deviation for each column i.e. how dispersed the values are.
- IQR is the interquartile range.
- It's apparent that some fields have highly skewed distributions - namely
. It is recommended that before standardising or normalising, a log transformation be applied to make these distributions less skewed. This will aid in making the data more interpretable.
The hand
column has a single unique value. This is considered an uninformative zero-variance variable which can influence predictions. It is best practice to remove such features:
A common oversight in many machine learning tasks is to perform exploratory data analysis and data preprocessing prior to splitting the dataset into train and test splits. This whitepaper will follow the general principle **[7]**:
Anything you learn, must be learned from the model's training data
The test set is intended to gauge evaluator performance on totally unseen data. If it affects training in anyway, it can be classified as partially seen. If the full dataset is used during standardisation, the scaler has essentially snooped on data that should've been withheld from training and thus in the process has implicitly learned the mean,median and standard deviation of the testing data by including it in its calculations. This is called data snooping bias
Resultantly, models will perform strongly on training data at the expense of generalising poorly on test data (a classic case of overfitting).
To circumvent this possibility, the training and testing data is split, using a 80:20 ratio, before pre-processing steps are applied. The seed parameter ensures that the same indices will always be generated for every run to obtain reproducible results.
shape each `X_train`X_test`y_train`y_test;
2023.02.16D15:08:08.920601000 INFO Shape of X_train table: 298 rows 13 columns 2023.02.16D15:08:08.920614000 INFO Shape of X_test table: 75 rows 13 columns 2023.02.16D15:08:08.920623000 INFO Shape of y_train table: 298 rows 1 columns 2023.02.16D15:08:08.920631000 INFO Shape of y_test table: 75 rows 1 columns
Looking at the distribution of the target features in the y_train set:
asc count'[group y_train]
state | -----------| -- Converted | 27 Demented | 116 Nondemented| 155
Within the target attribute exists a Converted
state which signifies an individual being diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment on a follow-up visit, having initially shown no cognitive impairment prior.
To keep this in the realms of a binary classification problem i.e whether an indiviudal is exhibiting early symptoms of Dementia or not, the Converted
values will be transformed to Demented
This step will be executed prior to evaluating machine learning algorithm perfomance.
By visualising data graphically, it is possible to gain important insights that would not be as obvious through eyeballing the data. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is the practice of describing data visually, through statistical and graphical means, to bring important patterns of that data into focus for further investigation.
There are two main plot libraries in python to aid with visual analysis:
The seaborn library is preferred throughout this whitepaper mainly due to its aesthetics and ability to visualise many different features at once.
Remaining honest, test sets are not used during visual analysis.
To avoid any contamination with training data, a copy of the training data is created which will contain both X_train and y_train tables, joined together using the each-both adverb. The train_copy
is deleted from memory after EDA:
Init graph configuration settings:
Many graphs in seaborn use the hue
variable a a setting parameter during plotting for colour encoding. In this example, hue is the target attribute state
. Resultantly, seaborn will colour the datapoints different for each distinct state value (Nondemented / Demented / Converted
). In the below example, factor plots portraying the distribution of nondemented and demented individuals in differing genders are coloured differently - light green signifying the non-demented state, dark green demented and torquoise represents converted patients.
Initial Assumptions:
Next, a count plot is used to display the number of distinct values per column (similar to plotting histograms).
A list of columns is split pairwise using the custom splitList
function. Each column pair is then graphically displayed on the same axis:
\l code/q/graphics.q
2023.02.16D15:08:09.108346000 INFO Script contains functions used for exploratory data analysis
countPlot[train_copy;;] ./: splitList[`age`ses`mmse`cdr`educ`visit;3]
:: :: ::
A few things can be concluded from these graphs about the dataset:
It seems that the majority of individuals in this study are aged between 70 - 85 with the most frequent age being 73 years old.
More than half of the datasets' population received a CDR rating of 0 (>200 Subject IDs) while less than 10 subjects were diagnosed with a 2.0 CDR score.
The most frequent Socio-Economic-status score in this study was 2.0 with over > 100 subject IDs (103), followed by > 85 subject IDs graded as 1.0 on the ses scale.
Most of the individuals in this study undertook a significant amount of years in Education with over 2/3s of the study having at least studied 12+ years of Education.
The majority of Subject IDs scored highly in their MMSE examinations (> 50% scoring 29 or above).
The percentage ratio between females and males was 57:43.
facet grid plots are then computed to portray the variation of Alzheimers as a function of etiv,educ,ses,nwbv, mmse and asf:
The next stage of data visualization involves plotting FacetGrid charts to view the relationship of Demented, Nondemented,Converted diagnoses against a range of different features:
facetGrid[train_copy;`state;"Dementia Variation in ";] each `etiv`educ`ses`nwbv`mmse`asf;
A few observations:
Plotting pairplots to visualise if relations exits among genders:
pairPlot[select asf,nwbv,etiv,mF from data; `mF]
<Figure size 2160x1440 with 0 Axes>
Splitting the training columns, by datatype, into their own group:
numCols:exec c from meta[X_train] where not t in "Cs";
strCols:exec c from meta[X_train] where t in "C";
symCols:exec c from meta[X_train] where t in "s";
As shown in the describe
table there are some fields which are highly skewed and thus have the potential to alter performance. To circumvent this, a log-transform will be applied to each of the skewed columns:
A pivot table is computed to encode the categorical state variables - Converted,Demented,Nondemented - into binary 0 | 1
numeric values.
state | Converted Demented Nondemented -----------| ------------------------------ Converted | 1 0 0 Demented | 0 1 0 Nondemented| 0 0 1
A lj
is then used in dummies
to replace Converted,Demented,Nondemented values with the numeric values in the pivot table. The output is assigned as a global dummy
table :
pvt: t lj pivotTab[t;v];
t:(enlist v) _ pvt;
show 10#t;
@[`.;r;:;t]; }
subjectId mriId visit mrDelay mF age educ ses mmse cdr etiv nwbv asf Converted Demented Nondemented ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OAS2_0147" "OAS2_0147_MR3" 3 1204 F 80 13 2 28 0 1336.6 0.762 1.313 0 0 1 "OAS2_0142" "OAS2_0142_MR2" 2 665 F 71 16 3 28 0 1390.443 0.81 1.262 0 0 1 "OAS2_0108" "OAS2_0108_MR2" 2 883 M 79 18 1 27 0.5 1569.498 0.781 1.118 0 1 0 "OAS2_0058" "OAS2_0058_MR1" 1 0 M 78 14 3 30 0.5 1314.52 0.707 1.335 0 1 0 "OAS2_0069" "OAS2_0069_MR2" 2 432 F 82 18 2 30 0 1470.873 0.69 1.193 0 0 1 "OAS2_0140" "OAS2_0140_MR3" 3 1655 F 81 16 3 25 0.5 1395.627 0.687 1.257 0 1 0 "OAS2_0103" "OAS2_0103_MR1" 1 0 F 69 16 1 30 0 1404.463 0.75 1.25 1 0 0 "OAS2_0086" "OAS2_0086_MR1" 1 0 F 63 15 2 28 0 1544.31 0.805 1.136 0 0 1 "OAS2_0017" "OAS2_0017_MR5" 5 2400 M 86 12 3 27 0 1813.215 0.761 0.968 0 0 1 "OAS2_0023" "OAS2_0023_MR2" 2 578 F 87 12 4 21 0.5 1249.56 0.652 1.405 0 1 0
A correlation matrix is computed to gauge if any inherent relationships exist between the features and the target variable. The target state
feature is converted into a dummy/indicator numeric variable to convey which attributes share the strongest correlation with it:
The function corrPairs
can also be called to display the x highest +ive correlation feature pairs:
cdr Demented | 0.8327593 mmse Nondemented| 0.5301072 nwbv Nondemented| 0.316708 educ Nondemented| 0.1814134 ses Demented | 0.1520445
From the correlation matrix, that depicts the pearson's r (cor coefficient) between two features, some assumptions can be hedged:
cdr has a strong positive correlation with both Converted, Demented and Nondemented. This is expected given that the CDR scale is used to gauge whether a patient has symptoms of Dementia. Given that this feature is strongly correlated with the target attribute, it would be advisable to drop this column during feature selection due to collinearity.
age and nwbv have strong negative correlations.
The educ feature has strong correlations with mmse, etiv and a very strong negative correlation with ses.
Most of the attributes share a correlation that is close to 0 thus we assume that there is little to no linear correlation.
One-hot encoding is used to transform/encode categorical values into separate binary values. The term one-hot signifies that there is 1
Hot value in the list, whilst remaining values 0
are cold.
This is desired as most machine learning algorithms perform better when dealing with non-categorical values.
Thus, mF categorical values are hot-one encoded:
subjectId mriId visit mrDelay age educ ses mmse cdr etiv nwbv asf F M ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OAS2_0147" "OAS2_0147_MR3" 3 7.094235 80 13 2 28 0 7.198632 0.762 1.313 1 0 "OAS2_0142" "OAS2_0142_MR2" 2 6.50129 71 16 3 28 0 7.238096 0.81 1.262 1 0 "OAS2_0108" "OAS2_0108_MR2" 2 6.784457 79 18 1 27 0.5 7.359148 0.781 1.118 0 1 "OAS2_0058" "OAS2_0058_MR1" 1 0 78 14 3 30 0.5 7.181987 0.707 1.335 0 1 "OAS2_0069" "OAS2_0069_MR2" 2 6.070738 82 18 2 30 0 7.294291 0.69 1.193 1 0 "OAS2_0140" "OAS2_0140_MR3" 3 7.41216 81 16 3 25 0.5 7.241816 0.687 1.257 1 0 "OAS2_0103" "OAS2_0103_MR1" 1 0 69 16 1 30 0 7.248122 0.75 1.25 1 0 "OAS2_0086" "OAS2_0086_MR1" 1 0 63 15 2 28 0 7.34298 0.805 1.136 1 0 "OAS2_0017" "OAS2_0017_MR5" 5 7.783641 86 12 3 27 0 7.503408 0.761 0.968 0 1 "OAS2_0023" "OAS2_0023_MR2" 2 6.361302 87 12 4 21 0.5 7.131347 0.652 1.405 1 0 "OAS2_0067" "OAS2_0067_MR1" 1 0 67 12 4 30 0 7.273238 0.727 1.219 0 1 "OAS2_0150" "OAS2_0150_MR2" 2 6.251904 75 12 3 27 1 7.21368 0.714 1.293 1 0 "OAS2_0108" "OAS2_0108_MR1" 1 0 77 18 1 25 0.5 7.381172 0.781 1.094 0 1 "OAS2_0080" "OAS2_0080_MR1" 1 0 66 15 2 25 0.5 7.345384 0.727 1.134 0 1 "OAS2_0139" "OAS2_0139_MR1" 1 0 67 16 1 29 0.5 7.199199 0.766 1.312 1 0 "OAS2_0049" "OAS2_0049_MR3" 3 6.533789 71 16 3 30 0 7.315817 0.788 1.168 1 0 "OAS2_0036" "OAS2_0036_MR5" 5 7.770645 75 13 4 29 0 7.208054 0.778 1.301 1 0 "OAS2_0117" "OAS2_0117_MR1" 1 0 73 20 2 30 0 7.519329 0.758 0.953 0 1 "OAS2_0174" "OAS2_0174_MR1" 1 0 60 12 4 30 0 7.229672 0.806 1.273 0 1 "OAS2_0147" "OAS2_0147_MR1" 1 0 77 13 2 29 0 7.209052 0.769 1.299 1 0 "OAS2_0070" "OAS2_0070_MR2" 2 6.511745 82 17 1 29 0 7.434045 0.723 1.037 0 1 "OAS2_0009" "OAS2_0009_MR2" 2 6.357842 69 12 2 24 0.5 7.300365 0.791 1.186 0 1 "OAS2_0073" "OAS2_0073_MR1" 1 0 70 14 3 29 0 7.330071 0.787 1.151 1 0 "OAS2_0070" "OAS2_0070_MR5" 5 7.777793 86 17 1 30 0 7.450949 0.705 1.02 0 1 "OAS2_0097" "OAS2_0097_MR1" 1 0 74 16 2 30 0 7.385187 0.729 1.089 0 1 "OAS2_0013" "OAS2_0013_MR1" 1 0 81 12 4 30 0 7.115355 0.715 1.427 1 0 "OAS2_0036" "OAS2_0036_MR4" 4 7.4793 73 13 4 30 0 7.215703 0.773 1.291 1 0 "OAS2_0087" "OAS2_0087_MR1" 1 0 96 17 1 26 1 7.290231 0.683 1.198 1 0 "OAS2_0095" "OAS2_0095_MR2" 2 6.51323 72 18 1 29 0 7.48793 0.687 0.983 0 1 "OAS2_0037" "OAS2_0037_MR1" 1 0 82 12 4 27 0.5 7.29833 0.729 1.188 0 1 "OAS2_0041" "OAS2_0041_MR2" 2 6.629363 73 16 1 28 0 7.166683 0.768 1.356 1 0 "OAS2_0133" "OAS2_0133_MR3" 3 6.914731 81 12 3 28 0.5 7.310296 0.687 1.174 1 0 "OAS2_0114" "OAS2_0114_MR1" 1 0 76 12 27 0.5 7.183393 0.727 1.333 1 0 "OAS2_0094" "OAS2_0094_MR2" 2 6.706862 63 16 1 30 0 7.279 0.774 1.212 1 0 "OAS2_0171" "OAS2_0171_MR3" 3 7.436028 81 16 3 30 0 7.515972 0.744 0.956 0 1 "OAS2_0171" "OAS2_0171_MR2" 2 6.202536 77 16 3 30 0 7.507037 0.768 0.964 0 1 "OAS2_0143" "OAS2_0143_MR3" 3 7.348588 93 18 2 29 0 7.464442 0.723 1.006 1 0 "OAS2_0004" "OAS2_0004_MR1" 1 0 88 18 3 28 0 7.103593 0.71 1.444 1 0 "OAS2_0116" "OAS2_0116_MR2" 2 6.424869 75 12 3 28 0.5 7.250153 0.77 1.247 1 0 "OAS2_0178" "OAS2_0178_MR2" 2 6.398595 90 14 2 28 0 7.310764 0.746 1.174 1 0 "OAS2_0077" "OAS2_0077_MR2" 2 7.239933 73 16 2 29 0 7.566094 0.722 0.909 0 1 "OAS2_0131" "OAS2_0131_MR2" 2 6.522093 67 12 2 25 0 7.19454 0.761 1.318 1 0 "OAS2_0071" "OAS2_0071_MR2" 2 5.902633 84 13 2 28 1 7.246439 0.695 1.252 1 0 "OAS2_0129" "OAS2_0129_MR3" 3 7.372746 82 18 1 29 0 7.274533 0.644 1.217 1 0 "OAS2_0106" "OAS2_0106_MR1" 1 0 70 11 4 22 1 7.276667 0.722 1.214 1 0 "OAS2_0104" "OAS2_0104_MR2" 2 6.144186 71 16 1 17 1 7.354509 0.685 1.123 0 1 "OAS2_0114" "OAS2_0114_MR2" 2 6.347389 78 12 27 1 7.177897 0.709 1.341 1 0 "OAS2_0063" "OAS2_0063_MR1" 1 0 80 12 30 0.5 7.2658 0.737 1.228 1 0 "OAS2_0122" "OAS2_0122_MR2" 2 6.393591 88 16 3 30 0 7.166891 0.744 1.355 1 0 "OAS2_0012" "OAS2_0012_MR1" 1 0 78 16 2 29 0 7.196215 0.748 1.316 1 0 "OAS2_0054" "OAS2_0054_MR2" 2 6.741701 87 18 1 24 0.5 7.151627 0.683 1.376 1 0 "OAS2_0134" "OAS2_0134_MR2" 2 6.291569 71 11 4 28 0.5 7.158323 0.741 1.367 1 0 "OAS2_0127" "OAS2_0127_MR5" 5 7.878534 86 18 1 30 0.5 7.421315 0.669 1.051 0 1 "OAS2_0102" "OAS2_0102_MR2" 2 6.415097 84 15 3 29 0.5 7.312113 0.686 1.172 0 1 "OAS2_0139" "OAS2_0139_MR2" 2 6.001415 68 16 1 29 0.5 7.204393 0.733 1.305 1 0 "OAS2_0096" "OAS2_0096_MR1" 1 0 89 13 3 29 0 7.051639 0.75 1.521 1 0 "OAS2_0047" "OAS2_0047_MR2" 2 6.188264 78 16 2 27 0 7.254576 0.727 1.242 1 0 "OAS2_0162" "OAS2_0162_MR1" 1 0 82 14 2 23 0.5 7.32329 0.678 1.159 0 1 "OAS2_0077" "OAS2_0077_MR1" 1 0 69 16 2 28 0 7.522331 0.737 0.95 0 1 "OAS2_0156" "OAS2_0156_MR1" 1 0 78 18 1 30 0 7.125734 0.748 1.412 1 0 "OAS2_0119" "OAS2_0119_MR3" 3 7.446585 85 15 2 30 0 7.305622 0.741 1.18 1 0 "OAS2_0048" "OAS2_0048_MR1" 1 0 66 16 1 19 1 7.435804 0.711 1.036 0 1 "OAS2_0061" "OAS2_0061_MR2" 2 6.77308 70 18 1 30 0 7.415229 0.738 1.057 0 1 "OAS2_0051" "OAS2_0051_MR3" 3 7.33106 97 23 1 30 0 7.30219 0.689 1.184 1 0 "OAS2_0026" "OAS2_0026_MR1" 1 0 82 12 3 27 0.5 7.258989 0.713 1.236 0 1 "OAS2_0177" "OAS2_0177_MR2" 2 6.50129 70 14 3 28 0 7.320765 0.77 1.162 0 1 "OAS2_0027" "OAS2_0027_MR2" 2 6.413459 71 12 3 30 0 7.215747 0.782 1.291 1 0 "OAS2_0134" "OAS2_0134_MR1" 1 0 70 11 4 29 0.5 7.167001 0.748 1.355 1 0 "OAS2_0094" "OAS2_0094_MR1" 1 0 61 16 1 30 0 7.322345 0.771 1.16 1 0 "OAS2_0023" "OAS2_0023_MR1" 1 0 86 12 4 21 0.5 7.129482 0.662 1.407 1 0 "OAS2_0075" "OAS2_0075_MR2" 2 6.342121 75 8 5 22 0.5 7.042382 0.741 1.535 1 0 "OAS2_0034" "OAS2_0034_MR2" 2 6.194405 80 16 1 30 0 7.280208 0.698 1.21 1 0 "OAS2_0016" "OAS2_0016_MR2" 2 6.562444 90 8 4 23 0.5 7.419908 0.646 1.052 0 1 "OAS2_0021" "OAS2_0021_MR2" 2 7.060476 76 20 1 25 0.5 7.563957 0.736 0.911 0 1 "OAS2_0128" "OAS2_0128_MR1" 1 0 76 16 1 28 0 7.205316 0.762 1.304 1 0 "OAS2_0135" "OAS2_0135_MR2" 2 7.044905 78 18 2 27 0 7.406292 0.663 1.067 0 1 "OAS2_0088" "OAS2_0088_MR2" 2 6.622736 80 12 4 20 1 7.309808 0.661 1.175 0 1 "OAS2_0145" "OAS2_0145_MR1" 1 0 68 16 3 30 0 7.169435 0.799 1.352 1 0 "OAS2_0185" "OAS2_0185_MR3" 3 7.739794 86 16 1 26 0.5 7.431898 0.675 1.04 0 1 "OAS2_0008" "OAS2_0008_MR1" 1 0 93 14 2 30 0 7.148747 0.698 1.38 1 0 "OAS2_0092" "OAS2_0092_MR2" 2 6.561031 84 12 2 27 0.5 7.237649 0.728 1.263 1 0 "OAS2_0142" "OAS2_0142_MR1" 1 0 69 16 3 29 0 7.230317 0.819 1.272 1 0 "OAS2_0060" "OAS2_0060_MR1" 1 0 75 13 4 29 0.5 7.256389 0.766 1.239 0 1 "OAS2_0091" "OAS2_0091_MR1" 1 0 75 12 4 28 0 7.321142 0.739 1.162 0 1 "OAS2_0062" "OAS2_0062_MR3" 3 7.20934 83 18 2 29 0 7.419622 0.688 1.053 1 0 "OAS2_0061" "OAS2_0061_MR3" 3 7.409742 72 18 1 30 0 7.427906 0.729 1.044 0 1 "OAS2_0118" "OAS2_0118_MR1" 1 0 67 14 4 30 0 7.319282 0.794 1.164 1 0 "OAS2_0039" "OAS2_0039_MR2" 2 6.188264 83 18 2 25 0.5 7.073606 0.733 1.488 1 0 "OAS2_0095" "OAS2_0095_MR1" 1 0 71 18 1 30 0 7.479006 0.699 0.992 0 1 "OAS2_0104" "OAS2_0104_MR1" 1 0 70 16 1 25 0.5 7.358436 0.696 1.119 0 1 "OAS2_0055" "OAS2_0055_MR2" 2 6.588926 67 13 3 27 0 7.219832 0.827 1.285 0 1 "OAS2_0086" "OAS2_0086_MR2" 2 6.688355 65 15 2 28 0 7.341597 0.792 1.138 1 0 "OAS2_0013" "OAS2_0013_MR2" 2 6.467699 82 12 4 30 0 7.101058 0.72 1.448 1 0 "OAS2_0100" "OAS2_0100_MR1" 1 0 77 11 4 29 0 7.367999 0.777 1.108 1 0 "OAS2_0113" "OAS2_0113_MR1" 1 0 73 13 2 23 0.5 7.337702 0.725 1.142 1 0 "OAS2_0160" "OAS2_0160_MR1" 1 0 76 12 27 0.5 7.351254 0.705 1.127 0 1 "OAS2_0037" "OAS2_0037_MR3" 3 7.615791 88 12 4 26 0.5 7.30222 0.709 1.184 0 1 "OAS2_0144" "OAS2_0144_MR2" 2 6.527958 79 16 1 30 0.5 7.451712 0.708 1.019 0 1 "OAS2_0159" "OAS2_0159_MR1" 1 0 73 14 3 29 0.5 7.121947 0.757 1.418 1 0 "OAS2_0076" "OAS2_0076_MR2" 2 6.863803 69 18 2 29 0 7.337594 0.719 1.143 1 0 "OAS2_0001" "OAS2_0001_MR2" 2 6.126869 88 14 2 30 0 7.603638 0.681 0.876 0 1 "OAS2_0147" "OAS2_0147_MR2" 2 6.089045 78 13 2 29 0 7.196469 0.769 1.316 1 0 "OAS2_0174" "OAS2_0174_MR3" 3 7.349874 64 12 4 30 0 7.223302 0.794 1.281 0 1 "OAS2_0057" "OAS2_0057_MR2" 2 6.463029 83 12 2 29 0 7.358965 0.757 1.118 1 0 "OAS2_0091" "OAS2_0091_MR2" 2 6.954639 78 12 4 29 0 7.317644 0.715 1.166 0 1 "OAS2_0008" "OAS2_0008_MR2" 2 6.610696 95 14 2 29 0 7.137557 0.703 1.396 1 0 "OAS2_0055" "OAS2_0055_MR1" 1 0 65 13 3 29 0 7.217157 0.837 1.289 0 1 "OAS2_0127" "OAS2_0127_MR4" 4 7.675082 84 18 1 29 0.5 7.420042 0.694 1.052 0 1 "OAS2_0048" "OAS2_0048_MR5" 5 7.118016 69 16 1 4 1 7.439542 0.676 1.032 0 1 "OAS2_0036" "OAS2_0036_MR1" 1 0 69 13 4 30 0 7.215483 0.789 1.291 1 0 "OAS2_0092" "OAS2_0092_MR1" 1 0 83 12 2 28 0 7.233 0.748 1.269 1 0 "OAS2_0073" "OAS2_0073_MR4" 4 7.73587 76 14 3 29 0 7.307204 0.774 1.178 1 0 "OAS2_0101" "OAS2_0101_MR1" 1 0 71 18 2 30 0 7.22377 0.769 1.28 1 0 "OAS2_0147" "OAS2_0147_MR4" 4 7.499423 82 13 2 30 0 7.202929 0.747 1.307 1 0 "OAS2_0046" "OAS2_0046_MR2" 2 6.356108 85 15 2 22 1 7.302665 0.748 1.183 1 0 "OAS2_0061" "OAS2_0061_MR1" 1 0 68 18 1 30 0 7.411756 0.747 1.061 0 1 "OAS2_0027" "OAS2_0027_MR3" 3 7.118826 73 12 3 30 0 7.214225 0.775 1.293 1 0 "OAS2_0017" "OAS2_0017_MR4" 4 7.529406 85 12 3 30 0 7.507055 0.755 0.964 0 1 "OAS2_0176" "OAS2_0176_MR2" 2 6.652863 87 16 2 30 0 7.243484 0.696 1.255 0 1 "OAS2_0010" "OAS2_0010_MR1" 1 0 66 12 3 30 0.5 7.277704 0.769 1.213 1 0 "OAS2_0062" "OAS2_0062_MR2" 2 6.584791 81 18 2 30 0 7.417731 0.677 1.055 1 0 "OAS2_0183" "OAS2_0183_MR3" 3 6.597146 68 13 2 30 0 7.31783 0.74 1.165 1 0 "OAS2_0017" "OAS2_0017_MR1" 1 0 80 12 3 29 0 7.486395 0.752 0.985 0 1 "OAS2_0126" "OAS2_0126_MR1" 1 0 74 12 3 29 0 7.203963 0.739 1.306 1 0 "OAS2_0141" "OAS2_0141_MR1" 1 0 65 18 2 30 0 7.152981 0.812 1.374 1 0 "OAS2_0160" "OAS2_0160_MR2" 2 6.315358 78 12 29 1 7.358831 0.704 1.119 0 1 "OAS2_0101" "OAS2_0101_MR2" 2 6.859615 74 18 2 30 0 7.244813 0.752 1.254 1 0 "OAS2_0165" "OAS2_0165_MR2" 2 6.602588 80 12 3 17 1 7.470794 0.696 1 0 1 "OAS2_0117" "OAS2_0117_MR2" 2 6.357842 74 20 2 30 0 7.499252 0.759 0.972 0 1 "OAS2_0048" "OAS2_0048_MR4" 4 6.878326 68 16 1 7 1 7.446894 0.682 1.024 0 1 "OAS2_0186" "OAS2_0186_MR1" 1 0 61 13 2 30 0 7.185402 0.801 1.331 1 0 "OAS2_0064" "OAS2_0064_MR3" 3 7.156956 82 8 5 18 0.5 7.289713 0.682 1.199 1 0 "OAS2_0088" "OAS2_0088_MR1" 1 0 78 12 4 21 1 7.298763 0.672 1.188 0 1 "OAS2_0120" "OAS2_0120_MR1" 1 0 76 14 3 25 1 7.251047 0.715 1.246 1 0 "OAS2_0090" "OAS2_0090_MR2" 2 6.523562 75 18 2 29 0 7.336097 0.772 1.144 0 1 "OAS2_0175" "OAS2_0175_MR3" 3 7.203406 73 16 4 28 0.5 7.497709 0.731 0.973 0 1 "OAS2_0009" "OAS2_0009_MR1" 1 0 68 12 2 27 0.5 7.284547 0.806 1.205 0 1 "OAS2_0075" "OAS2_0075_MR1" 1 0 73 8 5 25 0.5 7.049342 0.743 1.525 1 0 "OAS2_0046" "OAS2_0046_MR1" 1 0 83 15 2 20 0.5 7.297829 0.75 1.189 1 0 "OAS2_0181" "OAS2_0181_MR1" 1 0 74 12 26 0.5 7.066151 0.733 1.499 1 0 "OAS2_0122" "OAS2_0122_MR1" 1 0 86 16 3 30 0 7.165578 0.747 1.357 1 0 "OAS2_0138" "OAS2_0138_MR1" 1 0 73 16 2 29 0 7.024444 0.786 1.563 1 0 "OAS2_0121" "OAS2_0121_MR2" 2 6.473891 74 11 4 30 0 7.325347 0.705 1.157 1 0 "OAS2_0042" "OAS2_0042_MR2" 2 6.916715 73 17 3 29 0 7.418139 0.748 1.054 1 0 "OAS2_0176" "OAS2_0176_MR1" 1 0 84 16 2 30 0 7.247842 0.71 1.25 0 1 "OAS2_0149" "OAS2_0149_MR2" 2 6.514713 83 13 2 30 0 7.19772 0.732 1.314 1 0 "OAS2_0002" "OAS2_0002_MR2" 2 6.329721 76 12 28 0.5 7.460847 0.713 1.01 0 1 "OAS2_0078" "OAS2_0078_MR1" 1 0 89 16 1 28 0 7.397255 0.674 1.076 0 1 "OAS2_0018" "OAS2_0018_MR3" 3 6.194405 88 14 1 29 0 7.243534 0.713 1.255 1 0 "OAS2_0026" "OAS2_0026_MR2" 2 6.51323 84 12 3 27 0.5 7.276817 0.695 1.214 0 1 "OAS2_0048" "OAS2_0048_MR3" 3 6.473891 68 16 1 19 1 7.445867 0.691 1.025 0 1 "OAS2_0035" "OAS2_0035_MR1" 1 0 88 12 4 30 0 7.198341 0.738 1.313 1 0 "OAS2_0053" "OAS2_0053_MR1" 1 0 82 16 3 29 0 7.30319 0.76 1.183 1 0 "OAS2_0052" "OAS2_0052_MR2" 2 7.320527 78 18 2 30 0 7.302871 0.703 1.183 0 1 "OAS2_0022" "OAS2_0022_MR1" 1 0 61 16 3 30 0 7.180664 0.805 1.337 1 0 "OAS2_0079" "OAS2_0079_MR2" 2 6.371612 71 12 4 16 1 7.308556 0.725 1.176 1 0 "OAS2_0036" "OAS2_0036_MR3" 3 6.570883 70 13 4 30 0 7.216555 0.783 1.29 1 0 "OAS2_0120" "OAS2_0120_MR2" 2 6.390241 78 14 3 15 2 7.245748 0.7 1.253 1 0 "OAS2_0172" "OAS2_0172_MR1" 1 0 75 16 1 30 0.5 7.545162 0.709 0.928 0 1 "OAS2_0068" "OAS2_0068_MR1" 1 0 88 12 3 30 0 7.264401 0.7 1.229 1 0 "OAS2_0089" "OAS2_0089_MR1" 1 0 70 12 2 29 0.5 7.267853 0.692 1.225 0 1 "OAS2_0050" "OAS2_0050_MR1" 1 0 71 12 4 20 0.5 7.287253 0.724 1.202 0 1 "OAS2_0099" "OAS2_0099_MR2" 2 6.694562 83 12 23 0.5 7.303022 0.75 1.183 1 0 "OAS2_0030" "OAS2_0030_MR1" 1 0 60 18 1 30 0 7.246439 0.822 1.252 1 0 "OAS2_0172" "OAS2_0172_MR2" 2 7.100852 79 16 1 29 0.5 7.549401 0.7 0.924 0 1 "OAS2_0066" "OAS2_0066_MR2" 2 6.2106 62 18 1 30 0.5 7.564604 0.731 0.91 0 1 "OAS2_0031" "OAS2_0031_MR3" 3 7.37086 91 12 3 28 0.5 7.289071 0.696 1.199 1 0 "OAS2_0071" "OAS2_0071_MR1" 1 0 83 13 2 27 1 7.23836 0.705 1.262 1 0 "OAS2_0175" "OAS2_0175_MR2" 2 6.552508 72 16 4 28 0.5 7.493646 0.732 0.977 0 1 "OAS2_0049" "OAS2_0049_MR1" 1 0 69 16 3 30 0 7.308 0.794 1.177 1 0 "OAS2_0018" "OAS2_0018_MR1" 1 0 87 14 1 30 0 7.249506 0.715 1.248 1 0 "OAS2_0127" "OAS2_0127_MR1" 1 0 79 18 1 29 0 7.405745 0.729 1.067 0 1 "OAS2_0131" "OAS2_0131_MR1" 1 0 65 12 2 30 0.5 7.20137 0.754 1.309 1 0 "OAS2_0007" "OAS2_0007_MR3" 3 6.251904 73 16 27 1 7.219276 0.727 1.286 0 1 "OAS2_0034" "OAS2_0034_MR4" 4 7.541683 84 16 1 30 0 7.281844 0.684 1.208 1 0 "OAS2_0140" "OAS2_0140_MR2" 2 6.677083 78 16 3 27 0.5 7.24004 0.69 1.26 1 0 "OAS2_0020" "OAS2_0020_MR3" 3 7.355002 84 20 1 26 0.5 7.376469 0.666 1.099 0 1 "OAS2_0058" "OAS2_0058_MR3" 3 6.639876 80 14 3 29 0.5 7.188964 0.695 1.326 0 1 "OAS2_0141" "OAS2_0141_MR2" 2 6.930495 68 18 2 29 0 7.162924 0.795 1.361 1 0 "OAS2_0034" "OAS2_0034_MR3" 3 7.160846 82 16 1 30 0 7.286744 0.695 1.202 1 0 "OAS2_0124" "OAS2_0124_MR1" 1 0 70 16 3 29 0.5 7.288866 0.749 1.2 0 1 "OAS2_0051" "OAS2_0051_MR1" 1 0 92 23 1 29 0 7.282954 0.701 1.207 1 0 "OAS2_0181" "OAS2_0181_MR3" 3 7.010312 77 12 1 7.055802 0.733 1.515 1 0 "OAS2_0028" "OAS2_0028_MR1" 1 0 64 18 2 22 0.5 7.344713 0.737 1.134 0 1 "OAS2_0096" "OAS2_0096_MR2" 2 6.658011 91 13 3 28 0 7.061557 0.736 1.506 1 0 "OAS2_0165" "OAS2_0165_MR1" 1 0 78 12 3 23 1 7.30802 0.71 1.177 0 1 "OAS2_0070" "OAS2_0070_MR3" 3 7.255591 84 17 1 29 0 7.443172 0.717 1.028 0 1 "OAS2_0161" "OAS2_0161_MR1" 1 0 77 16 1 29 0 7.506257 0.734 0.965 0 1 "OAS2_0159" "OAS2_0159_MR2" 2 6.633318 76 14 3 28 0.5 7.120844 0.764 1.419 1 0 "OAS2_0067" "OAS2_0067_MR2" 2 6.113682 68 12 4 29 0 7.272016 0.738 1.22 0 1 "OAS2_0098" "OAS2_0098_MR1" 1 0 66 12 4 30 0.5 7.277206 0.78 1.214 0 1 "OAS2_0146" "OAS2_0146_MR1" 1 0 80 15 2 20 1 7.457552 0.685 1.013 1 0 "OAS2_0100" "OAS2_0100_MR2" 2 7.105786 80 11 4 30 0 7.369635 0.757 1.107 1 0 "OAS2_0182" "OAS2_0182_MR1" 1 0 73 12 23 0.5 7.415939 0.698 1.056 0 1 "OAS2_0044" "OAS2_0044_MR1" 1 0 68 14 4 21 1 7.195847 0.685 1.317 0 1 ..
Handling missing features within machine learning is paramount. For various reasons, many real-world data sets come with missing values, often encoded as blanks, NaNs, or other placeholders. Many algorithms cannot work with missing features and thus they must be dealt with. There's varying options to combat this:
The function impute
takes a table reference and a method
(med, avg, mode) for which to infer the missing values.
Replacing missing features with the columns' median value is executed below:
2023.02.16D15:08:13.315219000 WARN Found nulls in the following columns: ses,mmse 2023.02.16D15:08:13.315231000 INFO Replacing nulls with the columns med value
The values within the ses column are reversed to convey the correct information to the model.
Currently, a low ses value (1 or 2) represents a high economical status whilst a high ses value (4 or 5) depicts a low economical status.
Values are reversed ( 1->5, 2->4, 4->2, 5->1) so that the higher the score, the higher income an individual received:
update ses:{d:v!reverse v:asc[distinct X_train`ses];d[x]}'[ses] from `X_train
An outlier table is defined to track any outlier values and their indices:
The outlierDetect
function uses the z-score method to detect if any datapoint has a standard score greater than a threshold value 3.
The z-score defines how many standard deviations a datapoint is away from the mean.
outlierDetect[X_train;;`outliers] each numCols;
Anamalous values are now persisted within the global outliers
feature| index outlier -------| ---------------------------------------- visit | 8 16 23 52 108 216 5 5 5 5 5 5 mmse | 108 129 155 157 291 297 4 7 16 15 16 15f cdr | 157 197 2 2f
These outliers can be visualised by graphing whiskerplots:
whiskerPlot select visit,mmse,cdr from X_train
<Figure size 1440x720 with 0 Axes>
NOTE: Outliers can also be visualised in 3D space using the Isolation Forest technique. Please refer to the appendix: Using Isolation Forest to view outliers in 3-D space
Dealing with outliers is imperative in machine learning as they can significantly influence the data and thus add extra bias during evaluation. Some possible solutions to circumvent the effect of outliers:
The outlierTransform
function is called below, with the winsorize transform so that each outlier value is replaced with the 5th and 95th percentile respectively:
2023.02.16D15:08:13.404391000 WARN For the visit feature, replacing outlier values: outlier ----------- 5 5 5 5 5 5 2023.02.16D15:08:13.404434000 INFO With the winsorize value: winsor ----------- 4 4 4 4 4 4 2023.02.16D15:08:13.404484000 WARN For the mmse feature, replacing outlier values: outlier --------------- 4 7 16 15 16 15 2023.02.16D15:08:13.404516000 INFO With the winsorize value: winsor ----------------- 29 29 29 29 29 29 2023.02.16D15:08:13.404547000 WARN For the cdr feature, replacing outlier values: outlier ------- 2 2 2023.02.16D15:08:13.404571000 INFO With the winsorize value: winsor ------ 1 1
A training statistics table, trainingStats
, is defined inside mlf.q
to capture important metrics such as:
These metrics will be used to transform unseen test data:
trainInfo[X_train;`trainingStats;] each cols[X_train] except `subjectId`mriId;
feature| maxVal minVal medVal avgVal stdVal -------| ---------------------------------------------- visit | 4 1 2 1.855705 0.8685313 mrDelay| 7.878534 0 6.290642 4.01654 3.343527 age | 97 60 77 76.83221 7.640762 educ | 23 6 14 14.61074 2.900385 ses | 5 1 4 3.57047 1.106752 mmse | 30 17 29 27.69128 3.020954 cdr | 1 0 0 0.2818792 0.3538956 etiv | 7.603638 7.024444 7.296861 7.301141 0.1160262 nwbv | 0.837 0.644 0.729 0.7300034 0.0373581 asf | 1.563 0.876 1.19 1.19297 0.1372664 F | 1 0 1 0.5637584 0.4959182 M | 1 0 0 0.4362416 0.4959182
Colinear and features are removed from the dataset:
In machine learning it is generally a requirement that for algorithms to perform optimally, features should be standardised or normalised.
When standardising a dataset, features are rescaled so that they have the properties of a standard normal distribution with
$$μ = 0$$$$σ = 1$$
where μ is the mean (average) and σ is the standard deviation from the mean i.e. they are centered around 0 with a std of 1 **10**.
The z-scores of each datapoint can then be computed using:
$$z = \frac{x-μ }{σ }$$Which can be written simply in q
$$ q) stdScaler:{(x-avg x)%dev x} $$
An alternative approach is to use normalisation (often called min-max scaling).
When using this method, data is scaled to a fixed range - usually 0 to 1. The cost of having this fixed range is that we will end up with smaller standard deviations, which can suppress the effect of outliers **10**.
Min-Max scaling is performed using the following equation:
$$Xnorm = \frac{X-Xmin}{Xmax-Xmin }$$Which also can be written in q as: $$ q) minMaxScaler:{(x-m)%max[x]-m:min x} $$
There's no obvious answer when choosing standardisation or normalisation.
Both scaling transforms are executed on the training split and their outputs are visualised below:
.log.info["Applying stdScaler transformation:";()];
.log.info["Applying minMax transformation:";()];
2023.02.16D15:08:13.405015000 INFO Applying stdScaler transformation:
2023.02.16D15:08:13.775445000 INFO Applying minMax transformation:
From the above graphs, Standardisation is chosen over normalisation.
This scaler is then permanently applied to the training dataset via a functional apply:
@[`X_train;cols X_train;stdScaler];
Next, several functions are added to the trainingStats table so that transformations can be easily reproduced on any dataset. These functions:
feature scaling
by standardising or normalising numerical attributes that have different scalesimputation
by replacing null/missing values with a median value. Each function is lightweight - a projection with computed training max,min,median,mean or standard deviation values.
This means transforming unseen data becomes relatively simple:
update stdScaler:{(x-y)%z}[;first avgVal;first stdVal],
normaliser:{[x;minVal;maxVal] (x-minVal)%maxVal-minVal}[;first minVal;first maxVal],
imputer:{y^x}[;first medVal] by feature from `trainingStats
For example, unseen visit values can be standardised, normalised or imputed referencing the below projections:
maxVal | 4f minVal | 1f medVal | 2f avgVal | 1.855705 stdVal | 0.8685313 stdScaler | {(x-y)%z}[;1.855705;0.8685313] normaliser| {[x;minVal;maxVal] (x-minVal)%maxVal-minVal}[;1f;4f] imputer | {y^x}[;2f]
Since this is a binary classification problem, the Converted
values in the y_train and y_test datasets are substituted to be Demented
. In addition to this, these datasets are encoded, using a vector conditional, into numerical values where:
= Nondemented
= Demented
update state:?[state=`Nondemented;0;1] from `y_train;
update state:?[state=`Nondemented;0;1] from `y_test;
After encoding the target classes, the distribution of classes in the target dataset is checked:
asc count'[group y_train]
state| -----| --- 1 | 143 0 | 155
Overall, there are 12 more 0
than 1
Using a machine learning estimator out of the box when classes aren't evenly distributed can be problematic.
To address this imbalanced class issue, new examples of the minority 1
class will be synthesised using the SMOTE technique.
Smote (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling
) connects the dots between minority classes, and along these connections, creates new synthetic minority classes.
This technique is applied after the kdb+ tables are transformed into python arrays.
The order of columns are shuffled pre-evaluation:
X_train:shuffle[cols X_train] xcols 0!X_train;
There are many transformation steps that need to be executed (in the correct order) before the data can be evaluated by machine learning algorithms.
In Scikit-learn, a pipeline
class is usually used to assist in sequences of transformations.
To help automate the above machine learning workflow, feature engineering and data cleaning steps are grouped into a pipeline function:
if[not -11h= type t;'"Please pass table as reference"];
$[1< count skc:`mrDelay`etiv inter cols t; skc; skc:first skc];
.log.info["Log transforming highly-skewed columns";()];
.log.info["Hot-encoding sym columns";()];
hotEncode[t;] each exec c from meta[t] where t in "s";
.log.info["Dropping irrelevant features";()];
`x1 set t;
.log.info["Performing imputation and standard scaling on ",string[t];()];
{[t;s;c;m] transform[t;s;c;m]}[t;s;cols t;] each `imputer`stdScaler;
.log.info["Pipeline transform complete";()];
: 10#get t }
2023.02.16D15:08:14.141399000 INFO Log transforming highly-skewed columns 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141421000 INFO Hot-encoding sym columns 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141455000 INFO Dropping irrelevant features 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141467000 INFO Performing imputation and standard scaling on X_test 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141476000 INFO imputer executing 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141495000 INFO stdScaler executing 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141512000 INFO Pipeline transform complete
visit mrDelay age educ ses mmse etiv nwbv asf M F ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.9852318 -1.201288 1.330729 -0.2105714 -1.41899 -0.2288267 2.529743 -0.9102004 -2.258163 1.136797 -1.136797 1.317506 1.056059 0.4145902 -0.900135 0.3880998 -1.883933 1.177332 -0.7763606 -1.158112 1.136797 -1.136797 -0.9852318 -1.201288 -0.7633028 0.4789922 0.3880998 0.1021945 -0.7509522 0.4817334 0.7287306 1.136797 -1.136797 2.468875 0.9390194 -0.2397948 0.4789922 0.3880998 -0.2288267 -0.6576447 -0.535449 0.6267391 1.136797 -1.136797 0.1661371 0.7710042 0.4145902 0.4789922 -1.41899 0.4332157 -0.9711238 0.2140538 0.9691391 -0.8796644 0.8796644 -0.9852318 -1.201288 -0.1089178 0.4789922 -0.5154451 -2.214954 0.6758996 -0.8834324 -0.7064352 1.136797 -1.136797 0.1661371 0.660386 0.02195923 0.4789922 -0.5154451 -3.87006 0.6105911 -0.9102004 -0.6481544 1.136797 -1.136797 -0.9852318 -1.201288 1.461606 -2.279262 0.3880998 -0.8908692 0.9339126 -1.873847 -0.9468437 1.136797 -1.136797 1.317506 0.7207803 0.5454672 -0.900135 -0.5154451 -0.2288267 1.745446 0.776181 -1.638929 1.136797 -1.136797 2.468875 1.061994 1.985114 -0.2105714 -2.322535 -0.2288267 -0.3463126 -0.9102004 0.2989094 -0.8796644 0.8796644
Similar to the X_train dataset, the order of columns are shuffled pre-evaluation:
X_test:shuffle[cols X_test] xcols 0!X_test;
The kdb+ tables are then transformed into Python-readable matrices:
tab2Array each `X_train`y_train`X_test`y_test
2023.02.16D15:08:14.141687000 INFO X_train converted to array 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141712000 INFO y_train converted to array 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141725000 INFO X_test converted to array 2023.02.16D15:08:14.141740000 INFO y_test converted to array
Note, to perform the reversal transformation i.e. a python-array to kdb+ table, run the
Now, as alluded to already, the class imbalanced problem is addressed using the SMOTE technique to generate some minority 1
sm:smote[`k_neighbors pykw 5; `random_state pykw seed]
`X_train`y_train set' sm[`:fit_resample][X_train;y_train]`
The No Free Lunch
theorem in Machine Learning stipulates that there is not one algorithm which works perfectly for all dataset **7**. Thus, the performance of differing machine learning classifications will be computed and compared.
The main evaluation metric to gauge algorithm performance is the AUC (Area under ROC curve) score.
The ROC curve displays the trade-off between the true positive rate and the false positive rate [6]. In the case for diagnosing Dementia, it’s imperative that patients who exhibit symptoms are identified as early as possible (high true positive rate) whilst healthy patients aren’t misdiagnosed with Dementia (low false positive rate) and begin treatment. AUC is the most appropriate performance measure as it will aid in distinguishing between the two diagnostic groups(Demented/ Nondemented) [7].
Other evaluation metrics are used to compliment the AUC score but don’t carry the same weight.
These include:
The evaluateAlgos
function calls classReport
which computes all of the above evaluation metrics - AUC scores, classification reports (containing recall score) and a DOR score. This function will be called for a series of machine learning algorithms.
Before evaluation, a global scores
table is defined that will record important metrics that are used to evaluate the validity of each model and whether that model is using default parameters or hyperparameters that have been tuned via grid-search or randomized grid seach:
Linear classifiers are evaluated using default parameters first:
2023.02.16D15:08:14.147153000 INFO BaselineModel auc_score= 0.5 2023.02.16D15:08:14.156818000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.47 1.00 0.64 35 Demented 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 accuracy 0.47 75 macro avg 0.23 0.50 0.32 75 weighted avg 0.22 0.47 0.30 75 DOR score: ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.164591000 INFO LogisticRegression auc_score= 0.6514286 2023.02.16D15:08:14.165058000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.57 0.49 0.52 35 Demented 0.60 0.68 0.64 40 accuracy 0.59 75 macro avg 0.58 0.58 0.58 75 weighted avg 0.58 0.59 0.58 75 DOR score: 1.961538 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.169809000 INFO LinearDiscriminantAnalysis auc_score= 0.6892857 2023.02.16D15:08:14.170311000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.59 0.66 0.62 35 Demented 0.67 0.60 0.63 40 accuracy 0.63 75 macro avg 0.63 0.63 0.63 75 weighted avg 0.63 0.63 0.63 75 DOR score: 2.875 ============================================================
Next, non-linear classifiers with default parameters:
2023.02.16D15:08:14.485497000 INFO NeuralNetworks auc_score= 0.6507143 2023.02.16D15:08:14.500306000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.58 0.51 0.55 35 Demented 0.61 0.68 0.64 40 accuracy 0.60 75 macro avg 0.60 0.59 0.59 75 weighted avg 0.60 0.60 0.60 75 DOR score: 2.199095 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.520374000 INFO SVM auc_score= 0.6428571 2023.02.16D15:08:14.521350000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.55 0.49 0.52 35 Demented 0.59 0.65 0.62 40 accuracy 0.57 75 macro avg 0.57 0.57 0.57 75 weighted avg 0.57 0.57 0.57 75 DOR score: 1.753968 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.529485000 INFO NaiveBayes auc_score= 0.5092857 2023.02.16D15:08:14.530482000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.54 0.20 0.29 35 Demented 0.55 0.85 0.67 40 accuracy 0.55 75 macro avg 0.54 0.53 0.48 75 weighted avg 0.54 0.55 0.49 75 DOR score: 1.416667 ============================================================
Finally, tree based classifiers:
2023.02.16D15:08:14.660051000 INFO DecisionTreeClassifier auc_score= 0.5464286 2023.02.16D15:08:14.669666000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.55 0.34 0.42 35 Demented 0.57 0.75 0.65 40 accuracy 0.56 75 macro avg 0.56 0.55 0.53 75 weighted avg 0.56 0.56 0.54 75 DOR score: 1.565217 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.782504000 INFO RandomForests auc_score= 0.5425 2023.02.16D15:08:14.782986000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.59 0.29 0.38 35 Demented 0.57 0.82 0.67 40 accuracy 0.57 75 macro avg 0.58 0.56 0.53 75 weighted avg 0.58 0.57 0.54 75 DOR score: 1.885714 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.845644000 INFO Adaboost auc_score= 0.5628571 2023.02.16D15:08:14.846118000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.62 0.29 0.39 35 Demented 0.58 0.85 0.69 40 accuracy 0.59 75 macro avg 0.60 0.57 0.54 75 weighted avg 0.60 0.59 0.55 75 DOR score: 2.266667 ============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:14.904003000 INFO GradientBoost auc_score= 0.565 2023.02.16D15:08:14.904641000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.69 0.26 0.37 35 Demented 0.58 0.90 0.71 40 accuracy 0.60 75 macro avg 0.64 0.58 0.54 75 weighted avg 0.63 0.60 0.55 75 DOR score: 3.115385 ============================================================
`TestAuc xasc scores
models parameters| DiagnosticOddsRatio TrainingAccuracy TestAccuracy TestAuc -------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------- BaselineModel noTuning | 0.5 0.4666667 0.5 NaiveBayes noTuning | 1.416667 0.7612903 0.5466667 0.5092857 RandomForests noTuning | 1.885714 1 0.5733333 0.5425 DecisionTreeClassifier noTuning | 1.565217 1 0.56 0.5464286 Adaboost noTuning | 2.266667 0.8903226 0.5866667 0.5628571 GradientBoost noTuning | 3.115385 0.9967742 0.6 0.565 SVM noTuning | 1.753968 0.7903226 0.5733333 0.6428571 NeuralNetworks noTuning | 2.199095 0.8677419 0.6 0.6507143 LogisticRegression noTuning | 1.961538 0.7967742 0.5866667 0.6514286 LinearDiscriminantAnalysis noTuning | 2.875 0.8032258 0.6266667 0.6892857
First off, most models with default parameters provided a significant improvement over the baseline model indicating that applying Machine learning techniques to this dataset is applicable.
It is apparent that all models suffer from overfitting, a crux of having a small dataset. They score strongly in training predictions but generalise poorly on unseen data (overfitting!).
Please refer to follow section in the appendix to see the effects of Overfitting in SVM
The next steps will try and circumvent this issue by:
Using the Boruta Algorithm to remove irrelevant features and only retain features that fall within an area of absolute acceptance.
Using the GridSearch and RandomizedGridSearch techniques with cross validation to finely tune hyperparameters that could unknowlingly exasperate overfitting.
Convert the arrays back into q tables:
array2Tab each `X_train`X_test
2023.02.16D15:08:15.025761000 INFO X_train reverted back to q table 2023.02.16D15:08:15.025796000 INFO X_test reverted back to q table
Feature selection
is the process of finding a subset of features in the dataset X
which have the greatest discriminatory power with respect to the target variable y
If feature selection is ignored:
It becomes computationally expensive as the model is processing a large number of features.
garbage in, garbage out 7. When the number of features is significantly higher than optimal, a dip in accuracy is observed. Occam's razor
stipulates that a problem should be simplified by removing irrelevant features that would introduce unncessary noise. If a model remembers noise in a small dataset, it could generalise poorly on unseen data.
Ideally, instead of manually going through each feature to decide if any relationship exists between it and the target, an algorithm that is able to autonomously decide whether any given feature of X bears some predictive value about y is desired.
This is what the Boruta algorithm does.
A Random Forest algorithm is fitted on X and y. The feature importance is extracted from the RF model and only features that are above a threshold of importance are retained **12**. Digging deeper:
The threshold is defined as the highest feature importance that exists in the shadow features domain.
Shadow features are created by randomly permuting each column of X. So for a column age:1 2 3 4 5
, the corresponding shadow feature is shadow_age:3 5 2 4 1
where the randomisation is governed by the random seed.
Whenever a feature is higher than the threshold value, it's called a hit
The key to the boruta algorithm is iteration. Running the algorithm 100 times is more reliable than running it once. After the iteration operation has completed, features are grouped into 3 regions:
This algorithm can be written in q as shown below.
The iteration count is arbitrary. The user provides a list of integers where:
So in the below case, 80 runs are executed against the training dataset X_train with the random seed value iterating each run (starting at 1, finishing at 80). The user decides how many features they extract from the area of acceptance (3 in this case):
featSelect[X_train;y_train;1+til 80;3]
2023.02.16D15:08:41.505694000 INFO Following features fell within the area of acceptance: nwbv | 80 mmse | 80 educ | 75 etiv | 57 asf | 47 mrDelay| 44 age | 24 2023.02.16D15:08:41.505789000 WARN Following features fell within area of refusal/irresolution: M | 80 ses | 80 visit | 80 F | 80 age | 56 mrDelay| 36 asf | 33 etiv | 23 educ | 5 2023.02.16D15:08:41.505824000 INFO Keeping top 3 boruta features for selection: nwbv,mmse,educ 2023.02.16D15:08:41.505835000 INFO Reverting random seed back to 42
Important features [nwbv mmse educ] are extracted and kept using the Boruta Algorithm.
The remaining features are dropped:
dropCol[`X_train;cols[X_train] except borutaFeatures]
dropCol[`X_test;cols[X_test] except borutaFeatures]
Train and test sets are converted back to python arrays:
tab2Array each `X_train`X_test
2023.02.16D15:08:41.506085000 INFO X_train converted to array 2023.02.16D15:08:41.506113000 INFO X_test converted to array
In order to further improve the AUC score for each model, the hyperparameters for each classifier are optimized using one of the following techniques:
GridSearch simplifies hyperparameter implementation & optimization. A dictionary which contains the hyperparameters that need to be experimented are passed to a GridSearchCV function which will evaluate all possible combinations of hyperparameter values using cross validation on a model of the users choosing **7**.
GridSearch is ideal when the combinations that you wish to explore aren’t plentiful, but whenever the hyperparameter space is large, it is preferable to make use of RandomizedSearchCV. This class works much like GridSearch but with one major difference – instead of experimenting on all possible parameter combinations, randomized search will evaluate a fixed number of hyperparameter combinations sampled from specified probability distributions **13**. It is generally preferred over GridSearch as the user has more control over the computational budget by setting the number of iterations **7**.
An optimalModels
key table is defined that will tabulate the optimal parameters found using the grid-search/randomized grid-search technique for a particular classifier.
An optimal model will then be used by a web application to predict whether an individual is displaying alzheimer symptoms.
A series of dictionaries are defined that represent the parameter space for each algorithm:
/Random Forest parameter space
rfParams: (!) . flip(
(`n_estimators; 15 25 30 35);
(`min_samples_leaf; 1 + til 10);
(`max_depth; 2 4 6);
(`min_samples_split; 2 5 7 10 12);
(`max_features; 2 3);
(`criterion; `gini`entropy);
(`class_weight; `balanced`balanced_subsample))
/Support vector machine parameter space
svcParams:(!) . flip(
(`kernel ; ("rbf";"linear"));
(`C ; 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1);
(`degree ; 2 3 4);
(`gamma ; 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.5));
/Logistic regression parameter space
lrParams: (!) . flip(
(`C ; 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100);
(`max_iter ; 1000 5000 10000 );
(`solver; ("newton-cg";"lbfgs"));
(`penalty ; enlist("l2")))
/Decision tree parameter space
dtParams: (!) . flip(
(`max_leaf_nodes ; 2+til 30);
(`splitter ; ("random";"best"));
(`criterion ; ("gini";"entropy"));
(`max_depth ; 1+til 10);
(`min_samples_split ; 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8))
/Gradient Boosting
gbParams: (!) . flip(
(`n_estimators ; 500 1000 1500);
(`learning_rate ; 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07);
(`min_samples_split ; 2 4 6);
(`min_samples_leaf ; 3 5 7));
adaParams: (!) . flip(
(`n_estimators ; 500 1000 1500 2000);
(`learning_rate ; 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2))
A dictionary is defined to map each parameter space to its algorithm:
-1 (60#"="),"\n";
.log.info["Hypertuning classifier: ",string[x];()];
//Dict look-up to find algorithm's parameter space
clf:algoMappings x;
//If model is svm, enable probability.Set same seed for each classifier
mdl:clf[`random_state pykw seed; `probability pykw 1b];
mdl:clf[`random_state pykw seed]];
//Check if optimizer method is valid, if not bomb out
if[not z in `GridSearchCV`RandomizedSearchCV;
: "Use GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV as an optimizer!"];
tuner:value string[z];
//Naive Bayes does not perform grid search
if[not x=`NaiveBayes;
optParams:tunedEval[tuner[mdl;y;`scoring pykw "balanced_accuracy";`cv pykw 10;`n_jobs pykw "J"$getenv`THREADS]]];
//Compute duration that grid-search/randomized grid search took
.log.warn["Hypertuning parameters took: ",string[end:.z.p - start];()];
if[x=`SVM; optParams[`probability]: 1b];
//Track algorithm & its' optimal parameters, upsert to global table
//Call evaluateAlgos function
evaluateAlgos[(enlist x)!enlist(clf[pykwargs optParams]);z]}
/ Can also use the GridSearchCV optimizer to hypertune parameters - takes long, use threads (n_jobs)
/ f:hyperTune[;;`GridSearchCV]
eachKV[f] pspaces;
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:41.506652000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: SVM 2023.02.16D15:08:42.275029000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.7704167 2023.02.16D15:08:42.275120000 INFO Best parameter set: kernel| "linear" gamma | 0.1 degree| 2 C | 1f 2023.02.16D15:08:42.277060000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.7806452 2023.02.16D15:08:42.277113000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7535714 2023.02.16D15:08:42.277157000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:00.770493000 2023.02.16D15:08:42.284935000 INFO SVM auc_score= 0.8496429 2023.02.16D15:08:42.295020000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.68 0.86 0.76 35 Demented 0.84 0.65 0.73 40 accuracy 0.75 75 macro avg 0.76 0.75 0.75 75 weighted avg 0.77 0.75 0.75 75 DOR score: 11.14286 ============================================================
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:42.397489000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: LogisticRegression 2023.02.16D15:08:42.742251000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.7795833 2023.02.16D15:08:42.742330000 INFO Best parameter set: solver | "lbfgs" penalty | "l2" max_iter| 1000 C | 0.1 2023.02.16D15:08:42.743538000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.783871 2023.02.16D15:08:42.743566000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7392857 2023.02.16D15:08:42.743593000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:00.346091000 2023.02.16D15:08:42.747114000 INFO LogisticRegression auc_score= 0.8332143 2023.02.16D15:08:42.757014000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.67 0.83 0.74 35 Demented 0.81 0.65 0.72 40 accuracy 0.73 75 macro avg 0.74 0.74 0.73 75 weighted avg 0.75 0.73 0.73 75 DOR score: 8.97619 ============================================================
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:42.860474000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: DecisionTreeClassifier 2023.02.16D15:08:43.204110000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.7547917 2023.02.16D15:08:43.204259000 INFO Best parameter set: splitter | "random" min_samples_split| 0.2 max_leaf_nodes | 25 max_depth | 7 criterion | "entropy" 2023.02.16D15:08:43.205748000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.7709677 2023.02.16D15:08:43.205795000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7446429 2023.02.16D15:08:43.205832000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:00.345342000 2023.02.16D15:08:43.208043000 INFO DecisionTreeClassifier auc_score= 0.8614286 2023.02.16D15:08:43.218141000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.76 0.80 0.78 35 Demented 0.82 0.78 0.79 40 accuracy 0.79 75 macro avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 75 weighted avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 75 DOR score: 13.77778 ============================================================
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:08:43.321302000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: Adaboost 2023.02.16D15:09:11.438868000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.7627083 2023.02.16D15:09:11.438954000 INFO Best parameter set: n_estimators | 500 learning_rate| 0.05 2023.02.16D15:09:11.528824000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.816129 2023.02.16D15:09:11.528886000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7357143 2023.02.16D15:09:11.529202000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:28.207885000 2023.02.16D15:09:12.063767000 INFO Adaboost auc_score= 0.8232143 2023.02.16D15:09:12.073964000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.69 0.77 0.73 35 Demented 0.78 0.70 0.74 40 accuracy 0.73 75 macro avg 0.74 0.74 0.73 75 weighted avg 0.74 0.73 0.73 75 DOR score: 7.875 ============================================================
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:09:12.178988000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: GradientBoost 2023.02.16D15:09:21.946525000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.7283333 2023.02.16D15:09:21.946612000 INFO Best parameter set: n_estimators | 500 min_samples_split| 4 min_samples_leaf | 5 learning_rate | 0.03 2023.02.16D15:09:21.949596000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.916129 2023.02.16D15:09:21.949672000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7089286 2023.02.16D15:09:21.949783000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:09.770779000 2023.02.16D15:09:22.116285000 INFO GradientBoost auc_score= 0.7732143 2023.02.16D15:09:22.126278000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.67 0.74 0.70 35 Demented 0.75 0.68 0.71 40 accuracy 0.71 75 macro avg 0.71 0.71 0.71 75 weighted avg 0.71 0.71 0.71 75 DOR score: 6 ============================================================
============================================================ 2023.02.16D15:09:22.230959000 INFO Hypertuning classifier: RandomForests 2023.02.16D15:09:22.937197000 INFO Best score during gridSearch is - 0.77375 2023.02.16D15:09:22.937276000 INFO Best parameter set: n_estimators | 25 min_samples_split| 5 min_samples_leaf | 6 max_features | 2 max_depth | 6 criterion | "entropy" class_weight | "balanced" 2023.02.16D15:09:22.942533000 INFO Accuracy on training data - 0.8225806 2023.02.16D15:09:22.942579000 INFO Accuracy on test data - 0.7107143 2023.02.16D15:09:22.942635000 WARN Hypertuning parameters took: 0D00:00:00.711654000 2023.02.16D15:09:22.972504000 INFO RandomForests auc_score= 0.8332143 2023.02.16D15:09:22.982578000 INFO Classification report showing precision, recall and f1-score for each class: precision recall f1-score support Nondemented 0.66 0.77 0.71 35 Demented 0.76 0.65 0.70 40 accuracy 0.71 75 macro avg 0.71 0.71 0.71 75 weighted avg 0.72 0.71 0.71 75 DOR score: 6.267857 ============================================================
`TestAuc xdesc scores
models parameters | DiagnosticOddsRatio TrainingAccuracy TestAccuracy TestAuc ---------------------------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------- DecisionTreeClassifier RandomizedSearchCV| 13.77778 0.7483871 0.7866667 0.8614286 SVM RandomizedSearchCV| 11.14286 0.7806452 0.7466667 0.8496429 LogisticRegression RandomizedSearchCV| 8.97619 0.783871 0.7333333 0.8332143 RandomForests RandomizedSearchCV| 6.267857 0.816129 0.7066667 0.8332143 Adaboost RandomizedSearchCV| 7.875 0.816129 0.7333333 0.8232143 GradientBoost RandomizedSearchCV| 6 0.916129 0.7066667 0.7732143 LinearDiscriminantAnalysis noTuning | 2.875 0.8032258 0.6266667 0.6892857 LogisticRegression noTuning | 1.961538 0.7967742 0.5866667 0.6514286 NeuralNetworks noTuning | 2.199095 0.8677419 0.6 0.6507143 SVM noTuning | 1.753968 0.7903226 0.5733333 0.6428571 GradientBoost noTuning | 3.115385 0.9967742 0.6 0.565 Adaboost noTuning | 2.266667 0.8903226 0.5866667 0.5628571 DecisionTreeClassifier noTuning | 1.565217 1 0.56 0.5464286 RandomForests noTuning | 1.885714 1 0.5733333 0.5425 NaiveBayes noTuning | 1.416667 0.7612903 0.5466667 0.5092857 BaselineModel noTuning | 0.5 0.4666667 0.5
All models hypertuned via RandomizedGridSearchCV computed higher AUC scores than the previous no tuning evaluation, an indication that hyperparameter tuning via RandomizedSearchCV coupled with feature selection techniques, improved performance significantly (the closer to 1, the better):
`AucDiff xdesc
select BeforeAfter:TestAuc, AucDiff: abs .[-;TestAuc] by models from scores
where models in `SVM`LogisticRegression`DecisionTreeClassifier`Adaboost`GradientBoost`RandomForests
models | BeforeAfter AucDiff ----------------------| ----------------------------- DecisionTreeClassifier| 0.5464286 0.8614286 0.315 RandomForests | 0.5425 0.8332143 0.2907143 Adaboost | 0.5628571 0.8232143 0.2603571 GradientBoost | 0.565 0.7732143 0.2082143 SVM | 0.6428571 0.8496429 0.2067857 LogisticRegression | 0.6514286 0.8332143 0.1817857
The model with the highest AUC score is the SVM algo.
The SVM model is relatively simple compared to the boosting & ensemble algorithms which suggest that these results reinforce the principle of Occam's razor
where given a small dataset, the application of simple models, with the fewest assumptions, yields the best results **7**.
Although, there is still some overfitting happening (training acc > test acc
) mainly due to the size of this dataset, it is not as consequential as previous - the training accuracies have decreased significantly whilst the test accuracies have risen substantially.
In essence, the models aren't learning as many particulars in the training dataset and therefore generalising better on unseen data.
Previously, models were learning details and noise in the training data to the extent that it was generalising very poorly on unseen data.
Set the variable modelsTrained
to true signalling to the GUI that the models have been trained and are ready to predict Dementia scores:
Since WebSockets are supported by most modern browsers, it is possible to create a HTML5 real-time web application (GUI) and connect it to this kdb+ process through JavaScript.
A detailed introduction to websockets can be found in the Kx whitepaper Kdb+ and WebSockets: https://code.kx.com/q/wp/websockets/.
This simple GUI will serve as the entry-point for a potential client who wants to ascertain, by entering some data input, if an individual is exhibiting any symptoms of dementia.
Firstly, make sure some arbritary port is open so the web application can connect (should be port 9090
by default):
kdb+ has a separate message handler for WebSockets called .z.ws
, meaning all incoming WebSocket messages will be processed by this function.
Note, there is no default definition of .z.ws, it has been customised (in this case) to take biomarker/mri data and to return a result that indicates the possibility an individual is Demented (>0.5 - the closer to 1, the greater the confidence a subject is demented).
Breaking down each step of this custom .z.ws
value x
simply evaluates the string to create a dictionary. boruta
option has been enabled by the client, then every other feature, bar the significant features computed by the boruta algorithm, are dropped. If it has been disabled, all features bar [mmse educ age]
are dropped.neg[.z.w]
which asynchronously pushes the results back to the handle which made the request. Just before, the results are pushed back .j.j
is used to convert the kdb+ output to JSON. .z.ws:{
d:value x;
//Check models have been evaluated
if[not modelsTrained;
neg[.z.w] .j.j "Models havent been trained yet. Cant predict a score!";
//Get classifier from dict
//If boruta is enabled, use features computed by boruta algo, if not default to only using mmse,educ and age fields
//Drop algo and boruta fields from dict
d:(`algo`boruta) _ d;
//Change to table fmt and assign it to global t table
`t set enlist d;
//call pipeline fn to clean the dataset
pipeline[`t;trainingStats;cols[t] except borutaFeatures];
//Convert to python array
//get optimal parameters for classifier
//configure new model using opt params
m:algoMappings[clf][pykwargs p];
//fit new model with training sets
//predict probability of subject being demented
res: raze pred;
//convert to json and send output back to the handle which made the request
neg[.z.w] .j.j "F"$.Q.fmt[5;3] res 1;
Refer to the README - Using the web GUI for example usage
This notebook demonstrates that a kdb+ approach can be applied to a machine learning classification task to produce logical results. A multitude of techniques were reproduced in q to replicate their python equivalent. These included data wrangling & exploratory data analysis steps, feature engineering techniques and evaluation metrics (AUC score, classification reports etc.) to gauge model performance.
Given the dataset was small, models trained on this set, ran the risk of overfitting where models were more susceptible to seeing patterns that didn't exist, resulting in high variance and poor generalisation on a test dataset.
Thus, to circumvent the effect of overfitting, outliers were transformed and cross-validation techniques were applied.
Initially, model performance was poor with simple models such as LinearDiscriminantAnalysis and LogisticRegression winning out (complex models with many parameters increased the likelihood of overfitting).
To improve performance, feature selection coupled with grid search & RandomizedSearchCV techniques resulted in AUC score increasing by 20% across the board, with the best performing algorithm being the Support vector machine model.
Finally, a HTML5 web application was created to serve as a entry-point for a potential user who wants to obtain, by entering some data fields, if an individual is showing any symptoms of dementia.
To exhibit the effects of parameter values influencing overfitting, the iris dataset, one of the most renowned machine learning datasets, is used to demonstrate tuning the hyperparameters of a support vector machine.
The hyperparameters are:
C:0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
gamma:0.01 1 10 100 1000
The iris dataset
is imported from sklearn's internal datasets library:
X:iris[`data;;0 1]
The plotSVC function allows decision boundaries in SVMs to be visualised for different parameter values:
x_min:-1+min first flip X;
x_max:1+max first flip X;
y_min:-1+min last flip X;
y_max:1+max last flip X;
x1:np[`:arange][x_min;x_max; h]`;
y1:np[`:arange][y_min;y_max; h]`;
`xx`yy set' b;
z:model[`:predict][flip(raze xx;raze yy)];
z1:164 208 # z`;
plt[`:contourf][xx;yy;z1;`cmap pykw plt[`:cm][`:Paired];`alpha pykw 0.8];
plt[`:scatter][X[;0]; X[;1]; `c pykw Y; `cmap pykw plt[`:cm][`:Paired]];
plt[`:xlabel]"Sepal length";
plt[`:ylabel]"Sepal width";
plt[`:xlim][min first xx; max last xx];
plt[`:title] title;
plt[`:show][] }
An overfit
function can be called to iterate over each hyperparameter value to exhibit the effects that different values have on parameters.
The parameters investigated are:
N.B. The effects of C and gamma parameters are studied with a radial basis function kernel (RBF) applied to a SVM classifier.
$[x in `gamma`C;
mdl:svc[`kernel pykw `rbf; x pykw y][`:fit][X;Y];
mdl:svc[x pykw y][`:fit][X;Y]];
Looking at the decision boundaries for different kernels:
overfit[`kernel;] each kernel;
Decision boundaries for different regularization values(C):
overfit[`C;] each C;
Finally, comparing boundaries for different gamma values:
overfit[`gamma;]each gamma;
Another method of detecting anomalies is using the Isolation Forest
algorithm. It isolates outliers by selecting a random feature and then computing a split value between the max and min values of the said feature. This random partitioning results in shorter paths from anomalous data points which makes them distinguishable from other data points.
These outliers are then visualised in 3-D space to further reinforce the influence these datapoints can exert on the dataset:
Using a contamination value: 0.03753351
Logistic Regression:
Model | Pros | Cons |
Logistic Regression | Due to its simplistic nature and easy implementation,it is an ideal baseline for any binary classification problem. | This model is prone to overfitting and doesn’t fare well on independent variables that are in no way correlated with the target variable. |
Following the reasoning of Occam’s Razor, given the size of the MRI dataset,the application of simple models could yield the best results. | ||
It also doesn’t require much computational power and doesn’t require the scaling of features(quicker fitting time) |
Support vector machines:
Model | Pros | Cons |
SVM | Can handle the case where the relationship that exists between the features and target are non-linear (kernel-trick) | Memory intensive |
Has few hyperparameters to tune– in the case of this dataset, C and gamma will be the hyperparameters that will need tuning as the ‘rbf’ kernel will be used. | Can be long fitting times |
Naive Bayes:
Model | Pros | Cons |
Naive Bayes | The training set is small and thus high bias/low variance classifiers (i.e. Naïve bayes) should have an advantage over complex models which may have a tendency to overfit. | Has trouble learning the interaction between different features |
Extremely simple to implement. |
Decision Trees:
Model | Pros | Cons |
Decision Trees | Decision trees require very little data preparation i.e. don’t require feature scaling. They are the fundamental concept behind the Random Forest model | Main disadvantage is that an increase in variance which leads to poor generalization (tendency to overfit). |
Decision trees are fairly intuitive and thus their decisions are easy to interpret i.e. they provide simple classification rules that can be applied manually if need be (known as ‘White box’ modelling). | Small variations in data can result in different decision trees |
Random Forests:
Model | Pros | Cons |
Random Forests | The random forest model is commonly referred to as the ‘Leatherman’ of learning methods and thus can be fitted to most regression and classification tasks.[20] | ‘Black box’ model that is very hard to interpret (in comparison to decision trees). |
Although one should undertake explicit efforts to avoid overfitting (cross validation etc) as not every algorithm is immune to overfit, RF’s are less likely to overfit | A large number of trees may make the model slow down when making predictions | |
It can handle a large number of features and can help estimate which features are particularly important in the underlying data |
Model | Pros | Cons |
Adaboost | It's simple to implement | Can be sensitive to noisy data or data which contains outliers |
Not overly prone to overfitting |
Gradient Boosting:
Model | Pros | Cons |
Gradient Boosting | Can produce high prediction accuracies | Computationally expensive |
It can work on datasets that have missing features | It can cause overfitting due to the model trying to continually minimise all errors | |
Few preprocessing steps need to be implemented as it can handle both numerical and categorical data |
Sources can be found in the accompanying README.md file